Edythe vickers, N.D., L.Ac. Clinic Director Naturopathic Medicine & Acupuncture
In life we strive for balance: balance of mind, body and spirit. Yet, through trials and tribulations balance can become secondary to simply getting through the day: "doing the do.” Though this is a natural phenomenon, when we fall too far out of balance our mind, body and spirit react. Our minds might race, we might feel anxious, our bodies might ache, or we might react in more prominent ways that affect us long term. In my 30 plus years of practice my focus has been to help the body restore and regulate its vital force or chi, thus achieving optimal health and balance. I use many modalities from acupuncture and herbal medicine to injection therapy and nutrition to help affect this goal.
I welcome input from many sources and regard all medicines as tools to assist in healing so that energy can be freed and my patients can move forward in their lives with less tension and disease. My focus ranges from adjunctive cancer treatment to woman’s health to gastrointestinal issues to autoimmune diseases. I feel that my role is to continually act as a bridge between naturopathic/Chinese medicine and allopathic medicine to help best navigate each patient’s individual needs. Interestingly I find that no matter the issue, the basics are at the root of my medical strategies: sleep, exercise, whole food and deep internal relaxation; whether that be prayer, meditation or breath work.
My medical degrees are from the University of Toronto, the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, and the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, yet it is through years of practice that I have learned the key to both understanding one’s individual body and finding routes to comprehensive healing stems from a trusting and transparent relationship between both practitioner and patient. I am one of the few credentialed acupuncturists at Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital, working with a variety of patients; from those in the Legacy Rehabilitation Institute of Oregon suffering from a stroke to the post-surgery floor helping with pain reduction; to patients dealing with cancer, and suffering from unrelenting nausea. As a supervising physician at the National University of Naturopathic Medicine for the Chinese Medicine division I try to continually embed the importance of bridging the gap between eastern and western philosophies of medicines with each patient’s best interest and needs at the forefront of approach.
I am a doting grandmother to 3 wonderful grandchildren; 12 year-old twins and a 41/2 year, who keep me busy playing, laughing and seeing life through young eyes. With any spare time I love to garden and preserve the bounty for winter use. I like to take classes at the gym and walk or hike with my dog. Above all I give thanks everyday to have work that I love and I feel blessed to have the patients and practice I have.
In 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Dr. Vickers was named Top Doctor for Naturopathic Medicine from Portland Monthly Magazine.